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About Provi

Provi’s mission is to bring greater efficiency to the beverage alcohol industry and the existing three-tier system. Our job is to make the jobs of licensed retailers, distributors, and suppliers easier. This way, they can focus on what matters most. 

Provi’s online marketplace simplifies the complex process of ordering, selling, and promoting wholesale alcohol between buyers, distributors, and suppliers. 

Meet the team

Our Industry Affairs team works with national and state associations to support their members in education around digital solutions within the bev-alc and hospitality industries.


David Wojnar, SVP, Industry Affairs & Social Responsibility 

David is a long-time veteran of the bev-alc industry having served at DISCUS for 22 years. He oversees Provi's industry affairs and control state program working closely with National Associations to facilitate growth through the emergence of digital solutions.

Ian headshot

Ian Griffith, VP, Industry Affairs

Ian has an extensive background within the hospitality and beverage alcohol industry. For the past 20 years, Ian has worked on eCommerce solutions, first with B2C and then leading B2B marketplaces, from Beverage Media to SevenFifty and now Provi.


Presented by Provi executives and experts, we offer a wide variety of webinar presentations to add value and provide education to your members.

Below are three webinars that we have successfully launched to partners in 2023. If you are interested in providing any of the below to david.wojnar@provi.com or ian.griffith@provi.com 

Understanding the Digital Landscape for Beverage Retailers and Restaurant Operators

The webinar will be an opportunity to better understand the digital and e-commerce landscape for beverage retailers and restaurant operators. Led by a Provi executive, the presentation will walk through how Provi simplifies the alcohol ordering process and demonstrate how Provi partners with restaurant associations throughout the country to help educate and serve operators throughout the U.S., far beyond their digital solution.


The Provi representative will also conduct a live demonstration of the Provi marketplace and demonstrate how this digital solution can address many pain points in the beverage alcohol industry.

The Next Chapter of B2B Alcohol Ordering: Why online and why now?

With restaurants seeing a typical profit margin of 60-70% of alcohol sales, it’s no secret that a bar program could make or break an establishment. However, restaurant and lodge operators are privy to the challenges faced by the wholesale alcohol ordering process. This presentation, led by a Provi executive, will dive into why bringing your alcohol ordering online is critical for success.


Attendees will walk away with an understanding of how digital solutions can:

  • Streamline the entire procurement process
  • Improve inventory management
  • Enhance distributor relationships
  • Build education around new and legacy product lines
  • Inform beverage managers about new trends and insights
  • Facilitate employee onboarding and retention
  • Optimize overall efficiency

Check out the webinar conducted for NYSRA members here.

Understanding Retailer Pain Points Around Digital Solutions

This closed door roundtable discussion is an intimate conversation led by a Provi executive around the pain points that retailers face when implementing digital solutions. Attendees will be able to interact live with each other and the Provi representative as we create a space to share challenges that you are currently facing.


Attendees will walk away with:

  • An understanding of how the Provi team is working to solve many of these challenges
  • A sense of connection and community with others facing the same pain points
  • Resources currently available to tackle the discussed obstacles


We offer a variety of free resources that could be helpful for your members. Our publishing vehicles, SevenFifty Daily and Beverage Media, which have helpful content and guides for retailers.

Speaking & events

Provi also partners with associations to share our expertise around a variety of topics throughout their events.