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The Craft

Resources, guides and inspiration for the modern-day beverage professional.

The Craft_Header
  • by: Ryan Philemon
  • 5 min read

How to Price Drinks in Your Bar

How to Price Drinks in Your Bar

Pricing your drinks can sound like a tricky task at first, especially when adding more complex cockt...

What is Inventory Variance and Why is it Important?

Variance in your inventory is a completely normal part of running a bar or restaurant. We’ve all acc...

How Merchandising Beer Can Improve Sales

Accessibility in marketing is a massive part of what leads to a sale. As someone who’s a professiona...

Top 5 Sparkling Wines For The Holiday Season

As the end-of-year holidays approach, consumers naturally reach for sparkling wines to celebrate wit...

No-ABV Beers, Wines and Zero-Proof Spirits for the Holidays

Non-alc has had a monumental year in the bev-alc industry. As more consumers consume consciously, it...

Basic Beer Knowledge For Servers

Beer has been a popular drink for centuries, being a significant industry throughout history. In the...

10 Top Products from Beverage Media Group’s 2022 Holiday Gift Guide

It’s hard to believe, but the holidays are here, and with it, the busy gift-shopping season. Consume...

5 Easy-To-Batch & Bottle Cocktails That Make Great Holiday Gifts

The holidays are here and with it, the gift-giving season. No longer should gift giving be limited t...

How Your Bar or Restaurant Can Maximize Holiday Party Season

With the holiday season upon us, bars and restaurants can capitalize on the influx of consumers cele...

Provi Picks: Top Thanksgiving Wines to Promote and Sell

For those hosting Thanksgiving celebrations with friends and family over roast turkey and fixings, k...

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