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The Craft

Resources, guides and inspiration for the modern-day beverage professional.

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10 Emerging North American Regions Producing Incredibly Tasty Wines

Our collective love affair with wine goes back millennia, spanning countless eras and past civilizat...

How to (Profitably) Price Wine for Your Bar or Restaurant

There’s undoubtedly a fine art to pricing wine. It’s not an easy task in the slightest, and it’s als...

Are The Cocktails That Shaped the ‘90s Making a Comeback?

The nineties birthed some of the world’s most iconic cocktails, from the infamous Cosmopolitan to th...

A Brief History of the Cocktail That Started It All: The Old-Fashioned

The Old Fashioned is the foundation and pillar of the cocktail world. Arguably the most iconic and t...

Agave Spirits Are On The Rise

To say agave spirits are on the rise is an understatement. Over the past several years, the category...

Producers Bet Big on Boxed Wine as Sustainable Practices Become Status Quo

Before it’s in our glass, wine starts on the vine. And like other beloved agricultural products like...

5 Modern & Classic Agave Cocktails for Cinco de Mayo

Agave’s contribution to the cocktail canon is well-revered. As versatile as it is distinct, agave sp...

Checking In: The State of Craft Beer Nationwide

April 7 is National Beer Day and to celebrate, we looked nationwide to gain insights into the state ...

How to Organize a Restaurant Menu

Have you ever gone to a restaurant and been confused, or even felt misled, by bad menu design? Being...

Better Beer for a Better Neighborhood: The Value of Craft & Microbreweries

Craft breweries make great beer. For many people, that’s as far as it goes. Most consumers do not co...

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