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The Craft

Resources, guides and inspiration for the modern-day beverage professional.

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Libation Celebration: The Ultimate Guide to International Beer Day

These days, it seems like America has a pretty good handle on all things hoppy and brewed. But, Augu...

New Beer Releases: August 3rd - August 17th

They're here. The Oktoberfest beers are officially here. We're not sure if that makes you ridiculous...

Virtue is Making America's Best Cider

America’s revitalized interest in cider isn’t exactly a secret, and it’s certainly not breaking news...

Area 51: What to Serve Aliens & Why

In celebration of both the culture of UFOs and of aliens in general, we’ve put together some recomme...

On Our Radar: July Beer Releases

All it takes is one beer to change your summer beverage game...and we're pretty confident you're gon...

Sour Beer Guide: From Berliner Weisse to Oud Bruin

Over the past several years, sour beers have been everything but a secret. The bright, tangy brews h...

Spiked Hard Seltzer Market

Since the dawn of time (or thereabouts), beer, wine, and spirits have been fighting amongst themselv...

Dogfish Head's Sam Calagione: From Weird to Wonderful

When we started research for this article, we thought Dogfish Head Brewery would be the ‘story of un...

New Beer Releases: July 1st - July 12th

Alright folks, the 4th is officially over so let's get down to business: New Beer Releases. This rob...

The Ultimate Bar Guide: Surviving The Fourth

It’s that lovely time of year again. Stars, stripes, and brewskis are sure to abound this fourth of ...

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