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The Craft

Resources, guides and inspiration for the modern-day beverage professional.

The Craft_Header
  • by: Maggie Mahar
  • 6 min read

Chicago Beer History: A Timeline

Chicago Beer History: A Timeline

Today, there are nearly 200 breweries in the Chicagoland area. In fact, Chicago has become the de-fa...

New Beer Releases: June 16th - June 30th

What do we want? New beer releases! When do we want it? Now! We're coming at you with a whole slew o...

Beat The Heat With A Gose Beer

A friend of mine once described gose beers as tasting like cold sweat.

Tiki Bar Culture: The History, and How to Open & Stock a Tiki Bar

Upon entering Lost Lake or Smugglers’ Cove, we are overwhelmed with nostalgia. Nostalgia for a time ...

Essential Spirits for Summer Cocktails

Summer’s coming! It’s time to swap out some of that heavy, dark stuff for some lighter, more refresh...

New Beer Releases: June 1st - June 15th

The sun is a-shining and new beers are a-flowin'. Expect all the trends that come along with summer:...

New Beer Releases: May 14th through May 24th

Memorial weekend is upon us, kicking off the unofficial start of the summer season. And nothin' pair...

New Beer Releases: May 1st through May 14th

Ain't no party like a new beer release party! This week we explore everything from ciders to shandie...

A Brief, Not-Too-Bitter History of IPA Beer

There are times when it feels like the IPA single-handedly carries the craft beer industry. Over the...

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