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The Craft

Resources, guides and inspiration for the modern-day beverage professional.

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The Ready-to-Drink (RTD) Canned Cocktail Market

Canned cocktails. What a time to be alive.

Derby Day Cocktails: Mint Juleps Claim to Fame

Look -- we don’t know much about horse racing, pink suits, or big hats.

New Beer Releases: April 16th through April 30th

Longer days mean more time to enjoy your favorite beverages! This week we explore everything from so...

New Beer Releases: April 1st through April 15th

It's only a matter of time before winter finally breaks its death grip upon us. While we may not be ...

New Beer Releases: March 18th through March 31st

Spring has officially sprung and breweries are celebrating warmer weather the best way they know how...

Keeping it Light: Follow the Low-Calorie Drink Data

Does the great taste and low calorie combination sell well with consumers? The answer is yes, and it...

3 Simple Ways to Build a Profitable Beverage Program

The restaurant business isn’t easy. Building a profitable beverage program can be especially tricky,...

How Arthur Guinness Brought His Irish Beer To The World

The story of Guinness is one of bold beginnings and brave commitments, to say the very least. In the...

New Beer Releases March 1st to March 17th 2019

The clocks have sprung forward and warmer weather is on the horizon. We suggest you put that extra h...

Hold the ABV: The Next Big Thing in Booze is Zero-Proof

Once upon a time, the word "mocktail" referred to a cocktail that omitted the alcohol, but nowadays ...

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