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The Craft

Resources, guides and inspiration for the modern-day beverage professional.

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New Beer Releases: These Fall beers are now available in Chicago

Summer has officially set in Chicago, bringing some people to tears of joy while others are desperat...

A Look Inside The Wacky, Wonderful World of The Pop-Up Bar

Foodie fads tend to come and go. But the pop-up is here to stay. Picture the scene: A friend of a fr...

The Trick to Really Good Cocktails: Artisanal Ice

A deep dive into the underground artisanal ice scene. And it’s hotter than you think.

The State of Local Craft Beer in Chicago

Discover trending breweries and styles in the on-premise Over recent years, craft beer has become th...

CBD Cocktails and Mixology

CBD, Cannabis, and Mixology

Chicago’s New Beer Releases will get you Pumped for Spring

The birds aren’t chirping, the snow is still falling and spring has definitely not sprung in Chicago...

Colorado’s Latest Beer Releases are Primed for Patios and Sunshine

The birds are chirping, the flowers are blooming and the beer is finally a’flowin’. Spring has arriv...

Colorado Craft Beer Releases: Pucker Up February is a Sour One

Every year, millions of Americans make the conscious decision to torture themselves by participating...

Craft Beer Design: What Consumers Really Want

Quality keeps them coming back. Good looks make them care in the first place.

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