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The Craft

Resources, guides and inspiration for the modern-day beverage professional.

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The History and Rise of the Aperol Spritz

What is it about summer and its sweltering heat that has us longing to bake beachside in Italy or pe...

The Top 10 Ready-to-Drink Brands Fueling the Bev-Alc Scene

Every time that warmer weather starts to rear its head, people start getting the itch. What itch? Th...

Have We Reached Peak RTD? An Inside Look at the Latest Data

Ready-to-drink or most often referred to as RTD is an emerging category that’s risen from a niche in...

May 2023: New Beer, Wine and Spirit Releases

As Provi publications, the award-winning online magazine SevenFifty Daily and Beverage Media Group’s...

Sotol — What It Is and How To Use It

There are more than 200 species of agave around the world with over 50 of them used to produce Mezca...

A Dash of Bitters Goes a Long Way: Revamping Your Cocktail Menu

Defined as ‘spirits infused with herbs and spices’, bitters as we know them today are popular additi...

Bartender Measuring Tools Explained

As with any trade, having the right tools yield the best results. Considered something akin to an ar...

Spotlighting Women of History Who’ve Shaped Beverage Alcohol

March is Women’s History Month, and all month long, we’re celebrating the women in bev-alc who are d...

Louise McGuane: The First Modern-Day Whiskey Bonder & Founder of J.J. Corry Irish Whiskey

Irish Whiskey has a storied past. For more than 400 years, Ireland has produced whiskey beloved by m...

Hiring Kitchen Staff: Why Culinary Students For Hire is a Good Place to Start

Looking for staff with knowledge about the restaurant industry can be tough at times. Many come with...

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