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The Craft

Resources, guides and inspiration for the modern-day beverage professional.

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Cannabis and Alcohol: The Hazy Future of Weed in the Alcohol Industry

Combining alcohol with weed is basically a tradition as old as time . Now, with legalization sweepin...

The Big Brew Hunt: 7 American Beer Brands to Watch

Which country has the world’s greatest beer brands? There’s the strong contender Belgium, with brand...

Recipes: Banana Alcohol Drinks

Summer is quickly coming to an end, but partiers everywhere continue to cling to warm-weather nostal...

Caipirinha Recipe

The Brazilian food and beverage scene has given birth to a number of iconic and culturally significa...

Blue Hawaii Cocktail

As clear and blue as the ocean in which its namesake sits, the Blue Hawaii is a popular favorite at ...

Guide to Bordeaux Wine

Bordeaux, like Champagne, is a regional term that has become synonymous with different varieties of ...

The Best Mezcal Brands to Stock Your Bar for Any Occasion

There’s an old saying in the Oaxaca region of Mexico that states: “For all bad, Mezcal, and for all ...

Bar Chemistry 101: Cocktail Syrups and Bitters Recipes

Everyone has their drink of choice, but whether it’s a Negroni, Daiquiri, Old Fashioned or something...

6 Emerging Wine Regions for Your Beverage Program

You already know the usual suspects of the wine world, including the South of France, Argentina, Ita...

The Argument For and Against the Free Pour

To free pour or not to free pour: that is the question.

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