Wrapping Up 2021 & Unwrapping the Data Details
From top performing brands to the trends that are shaking up the industry, join us as we dive into the second edition of the Provi Pulse review!

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What's Inside the Review
As a group of analytics enthusiasts working with the fastest-growing B2B marketplace in the beverage alcohol industry, we've scoured the treasure trove of Provi data to bring you these insights. It’s been a true adventure of a year and while there are dozens of key themes we’ve observed, our review will focus on:
The Return of the On-Premise
The explosive growth and acceleration of B2B ecommerce throughout the beverage alcohol industry helped drive the return.
Top Categories & Brands
Interesting numbers from top performers across high-growth industry categories.
Growth of Non-Alc Beverage
The rapid growth of the low-ABV and non-alcoholic beverage category has it outpacing traditional alcohol products! How is this blurring the lines between traditional beverage and beverage alcohol competition?

Latest from The Craft
The ultimate resource for alcohol beverage news, trends and data reports.
Exploring the Booming Growth of the Distilled Beverage Market During OND
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